

Us -- me, the writer and you the reader -- we are both knowledgeable of that thinest of lines which separate Dream from Nightmare. A Dream is a state of abstraction. It is oftimes excellent, supreme, wonderful or beautiful in form or context. It exists as a thing of hope or aspiration: it is all of which a Nightmare is not. Should a Nightmare be called terrifying, would not a dream be situated in position opposed exact? The wickedest thing of the Dream as it concerns it's inception into status of WORLD is that it's surface position to the Sun, or light source of it's galactical confines, in like-manner to most celestial planets, renders it incapable of egalitarian lighting. And so, the object of DreamWorld, given it's extreme status of boxification and cybornetic bastardization by the Gen-Centric Creatures of it's Ideological Inception, is inequally incapable of distributing what is derived of the products of Light, and what exists of the products of Dark. Little-known to most, the DreamWorld was altered at the axis point, so that a large potion of that planet was forever devoid of the illumination that was so traditional of their photosynthetic existence. DreamWorld is thus a constant Dream for the few, and as a result of this excessive photosynthetic greed, a Nightmare for the most. A median majority of this metaphysical planetory principality experience a constant dawn, or daybreak, with varying intervals of nightfall and daybreak. Such folk are mostly never left in complete dark. Because of this, they are more-so drawn towards the light, and it's Master's of dwelling, in terms of principal and nostalgic sensibility. Such peoples are not unlike the socialistically defined "petit-bourgeoisie".

DreamWorld: is it in definition something even remetely other than the Democracy of this Sixth Dimension? Only a person engaged in constant, bitter, violent conflict with her or his own boxicle Warlords can answer this question in any of the vastly varying manners of truth...

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